@incollection{doty_wearable_2015, series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}}, title = {The {Wearable} {Multimodal} {Monitoring} {System}: {A} {Platform} to {Study} {Falls} and {Near}-{Falls} in the {Real}-{World}}, copyright = {©2015 Springer International Publishing Switzerland}, isbn = {978-3-319-20912-8 978-3-319-20913-5}, shorttitle = {The {Wearable} {Multimodal} {Monitoring} {System}}, url = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-20913-5_38}, language = {en}, number = {9194}, urldate = {2015-09-18}, booktitle = {Human {Aspects} of {IT} for the {Aged} {Population}. {Design} for {Everyday} {Life}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Doty, Tracy Jill and Kellihan, Bret and Jung, Tzyy-Ping and Zao, John K. and Litvan, Irene}, editor = {Zhou, Jia and Salvendy, Gavriel}, month = aug, year = {2015}, keywords = {Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Blood pressure, Computer Communication Networks, Computers and Society, Electrodermal activation, Fall prediction, Heart-rate variability, Information Storage and Retrieval, Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet), Skin conductance response, User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, Wearability, Wireless electroencephalography}, pages = {412--422} }