@inproceedings{coenen_wearable_2015, address = {Istanbul, Turkey}, title = {The wearable {Living} {Lab}: how wearables could support {Living} {Lab} projects}, shorttitle = {The wearable {Living} {Lab}}, url = {http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tanguy_Coenen/publication/281443233_The_wearable_Living_Lab_how_wearables_could_support_Living_Lab_projects/links/55e74a0e08ae3e1218420942.pdf}, abstract = {Part of the added value of living lab or other in-situ research resides in its capability to capture contextual and personal data of end-users in real life environments. In this paper, we present an architecture for the wearable living lab (WELLS), allowing the collection of user experience feedback in a more permanent and unobtrusive way. It enables mainly the user researcher to capture contextual and experience data during a Proxy technology assessment, a formative or a summative software evaluation.}, urldate = {2015-11-04}, author = {Coenen, Tanguy and Coorevits, Lynn and Lievens, Bram}, month = aug, year = {2015}, keywords = {evaluation, living lab, wearables} }